Today I saw something I'd never seen before...a black ladybug with no spots.
When I was in Holland, I saw a black ladybug with two red spots...which was pretty cool, but I've never seen a pure black ladybug here in Ontario in all my years.

Sadly, the tree had to go. It was dead in a lot of places and it dropped rotting apples everywhere attracting Yellow least favorite insect!

I have a Chow Chow dog who saw a bug that looked just like this on my balcony (in Chicago) today. When he sniffed it, it pinched/grabbed his lip.
Wonder what this is???
I am in bed and I can something little and all black wandering around my wall I'm petrified what should I do it looks like a all black ladybug/bird
I am in bed and I can something little and all black wandering around my wall I'm petrified what should I do it looks like a all black ladybug/bird
I found one exactly the same. Did anyone find out what kind of bug it is? I live in ottawa ontario
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