This is my Grizelda costume test...without the make-up. I just applied the latex prosthetics with a little spirit gum, so I could remove them easily. The make-up test was done a few weeks ago and I didn't want to waste it because it's expensive. I'll post more photos after the big day, when I'll be in full make-up as well.
nice costume!..I see these shows are now available on dvd, but due to copyright over song usage, they had to cut all the Wolfman radio bits...too bad...always loved the tuen as Igor and Wolfman danced over that "WILD psychedelic" background
Yeah! I love the whole Hilarious House gang! The Librarian terrified me as a kid, but now I think he's great!!!! I also can finally appreciate Professor Julius Sumner Miller!!
We bought one of the DVD sets last year, and that's when I decided to be Grizelda this year!
Our DVD set actually includes all of the songs, from each show. In fact, the DVD's use each episode's song title, as the identifier for each show..
Did they get the cease-and-desist notice after these got out to the public? Dunno..
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