For Christmas, Rich bought me the new boxed set of Blade Runner! The first thing we watched was the "Dangerous Days: Making Blade Runner" documentary. It was great! I think it was close to four hours long, but we stuck to it, and watched the entire thing in one sitting.
I never realized just how much of a contribution Rutger Hauer made to the film. He actually came up with the famous line, "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."
Here's what the script asked for, " I've seen things.......seen things you wouldn't believe.....Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion bright as magnesium....I rode on the back decks of a blinker and watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate....(pause)...all those moments.....they'll be gone."

And here's the famous, wonderful line that we all know and love, " I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tanhauser Gate............All those moments will be lost in tears in rain."
Excuse me......I have a lump in my throat! *sniff*
Here's one of my favorite sequences "Eye World"....Chew's laboratory where he makes eyes. It really was a meat locker, and they had to stop filming to warm the equipment up and air the place out. Everyone on the set was getting sick! But it was such an amazing environment. The whole movie had such an palpable atmosphere.

Ridley Scott wanted even seemingly insignificant props to fit in. He had them make custom magazines to sit on the news stands that were most likely to exist in the year 2019. One is called "KILL" about guard dogs you don't feed!

There are some "new" scenes in the Final Cut. One is of the goalie mask wearing Go-go dancers depicted at the bottom, here. They're only on the screen a matter of seconds, but they were originally filmed and I don't know why they were omitted. Their breasts and everything were fully covered, and they were just shown as part of the neighbourhood Deckard has to go into to find Zhora. Oh well, maybe someone found the goalie masks offensive.

A lot of the inspiration for the look of the film came from a comic book called "The Long Tomorrow" by Moebius. Ridley Scott freely admits it, and here's a panel from it. (From Rich's collection, of course.)

Also, of course, Syd Mead. They talk to him quite a bit in the documentary as well. I believe that's one of his paintings below.....and at the very bottom (right) is none other than a sketch by Ridley Scott!

You can really see the Moebius influence there, eh?