Sunday, May 13, 2007

My First Post!!

Like most victims of the animation industry.....I am currently laid off from work.....and I thought it would be the perfect time to learn how to "blog". I just wanted to begin with a great old photo I took over 10 years ago that we called "The Last Supper".....because it was the last time we Nelvana layout artists would all be working together at once.
Since that time, a lot of us have gone in many different directions. I was fortunate enough to work alongside Rob Sadler not too long ago, and it prompted me to dig up this photo.
I guess I should list these guys from left to right. Far left is Brad Graham, then Ted Collyer, Blayne Burnside, Alan Parker....then slightly behind is Todd Janke, then Steffie Gignac. the centre, playing the perfect "Christ", is Jeff Lyons! Behind him is Michel Daze, seated is Frank Ramirez, standing is Rob Sadler. The three on the end are Dan Poitras, Genni Selby and Steve Remen on the far right.
I apologize for any misspellings!
Well, I will be sure to add a new post soon......thanks for lookin' !