I have no idea why I'm showing that masterpiece and then my own pathetic ink drawings that are trying to mimic the woodcut style, but I'm a strange person. Anyway.....I've been working on a "Halloween Book" and I decided to illustrate it in this style, using old woodcuts as reference.
I've obviously put my own spin on the drawings and have not copied them exactly. It was done more as an exercise to keep my drawing skills up.

The above image was referenced from the Malleus Maleficarum, one of the most evil books ever written, attempting to justify the European witch hunts and trials.

I recently discovered there's a movie called "The Conquerer Worm" (originally titled Witchfinder General) starring Vincent Price (swoon), as Matthew Hopkins. I'll have to see it!

And speaking of small animals, cats have played a huge role in the whole witchhunting tragedy.

And speaking of mysterious things and children, my daughter wanted me to make her a "voodoo doll" for some strange reason. I warned her not to stick pins in it or let anybody's hair become a part of it. Anyway....after it was made, she stuck a couple of pins in it and said it hurt her and promptly decided she didn't want to have anything to do with it any more.