It was one of those cases where the driver was turning right on a red light, other pedestrians were jay walking (because of an advanced green for the other drivers) and it was a pleasant day, weatherwise, so more people were out and about than usual.
I was the only pedestrian to wait for the proper walk signal, yet I was the one who got hit! I saw the van starting to turn right, but he hesitated, leading me to believe he saw me and was going to allow me to cross. But no. He kept on coming. His bumper hit my left hip and I turned, facing the vehicle. By now both my hands were on the front hood of his van and I was being pushed backwards! All I could think of was ,"He's not stopping! He's not stopping!"
I shouted , "STOP! STOP!" and suddenly he braked, sending me flying backwards onto the road. I thought, "I can't stay here on the ground! Someone might run me over!" and so I leapt up to my feet. I yelled at the driver, "J____ C______ didn't you see the signal!?" Bystanders
came to my aid immediately, standing in the van's way so he couldn't take off and one person flagged down a police car.
Well, to make a long story short, I ended up with only a bruised knee (from hitting the ground) and some weird pains in my feet that are fading now. It could have been a lot worse! The driver was charged with "Failure to Yeild".
But Shadow has been climbing up on my lap since it happened, and I think she might sense that she could have lost her "Mommy". I don't know, but it sure makes you realize how quickly one's life could be snuffed out.